How to Grow Your Toddler's Library for FREE!

Calling all Miami Moms! Would you like to help grow your toddler's library for free? Through the The Children's Trust Organization you can! Their Read to Learn Book Club provides you with the opportunity to register your child up to six months before they turn 3 years old to receive 1 FREE book each month for a whole year, starting on their birth month. That's 12 FREE books! Each book is accompanied by a bilingual instruction guide for the adult reader and a simple hands-on activity to engage your child.

I love reading and was very excited at the opportunity to share my love of reading with my daughter. Last summer, before she turned three, I signed her up for the Read to Learn Book Club and it has been amazing! Each month she looks forward to receiving her package in the mail and finding out what book is waiting for her inside. I have to say that I have been impressed with the books she has received. All of them have been high quality books and many of them have been well known and loved books such as If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff and Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown. In the picture you will notice that the books my daughter receives are in Spanish. This was because her first language was Spanish so I chose that as the language of choice, however, the books are available in English.

After we receive the package in the mail, I always like to prepare the activities so that we can be ready to use them after reading. First, we cut the pieces out. Then, to make sure they can last for many repeated readings, I always laminate them. This is when I whip out my handy-dandy Scotch Pro Thermal Laminator (Amazon Affiliate Link) and my Scotch Thermal Laminating Pouches (Amazon Affiliate Link) to laminate the instruction guide, activity instructions, and activity pieces. As a Type-A-Mama I love laminating any papers I can. It provides me with the peace of mind that my little one can play all she wants without fear of ripping or crumpling. 

Allison is learning to use scissors and loves to help me cut. 
Placing the pieces on the laminating pouches.

Feeding the pouch through the machine.

 Once the activity has been cut and laminated we are ready to read and play! :)

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Labeling Activity
The Little Engine that Could Shapes Activity

I hope you have found this post to be helpful and hurry to sign-up for your toddler's free books. I would love to know, what are some other ways you promote literacy with your little one?

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